Adjustable belt grinder table

Until now, I’ve had two tables for my belt grinder. One is welded solid at 90°, the other at 45°. Since they both have a vertical 1.5″ square post that fits in the table holder, they can be swapped in a matter of seconds, and they are very reliable since I never have to worry about knocking them out of alignment or forgetting that I set them to an odd angle. But sometimes I need an angle other than 90° or 45°, and for those occasions I need a table that can be adjusted to any angle. Watch the video below to see how I made one.

If you’d like to build an adjustable table for your own Tilting Belt Grinder, I’ve provided a Sketchup model and a PDF plan for you below. This table is compatible with both the Gen 1 and Gen 2 grinders.

Note: The .zip file above contains a Sketchup (.skp) file, so you will need to un-zip and extract the .skp file before opening it. You will need the latest version of Sketchup in order to view this model. The pdf file can be viewed right here in your browser, or downloaded.

Woodworking. Metalworking. Making.