Gen 2 Belt grinder shopping list

Metric shopping list

Scroll down to see the imperial (inch) shopping list.

“Qty 1” is for the Gen 2 Tilting Belt Grinder, Platen Attachment, Table Holder, and Fixed Table. “Qty 2” is for all of the above plus the Small Wheel Attachment, Contact Wheel Attachment, and Adjustable Angle Table. For a more detailed shopping list with more info and some recommended sources, please see the plans.

Material / part nameSizeQty 1Qty 2
Steel flatbar8 x 150mm950mm1300mm
Steel flatbar8 x 50mm2900mm3290mm
Steel flatbar8 x 40mm2250mm2340mm
Steel flatbar3 x40mm880mm880mm
Steel flatbar5 x 20mm650mm850mm
Steel flatbar12 x 70mm0mm185mm
Steel flatbar12 x 30mm80mm80mm
Steel square bar40mm660mm1260mm
Steel square tube40mm, 5mm wall500mm730mm
Steel square tube50mm, 3mm wall850mm850mm
Steel DOM tube12mm ID, 22mm OD190mm320mm
Steel pipe~22mm ID100mm100mm
Threaded rodM12 thread400mm400mm
1 – 2 kW motorIEC 90S or 90L, or
NEMA 56 or 56H
VFDSized to match motor11
Drive wheel130mm diameter11
Tracking wheel100mm diameter11
Platen wheel50mm diameter23
Contact wheel50mm diameter01
Contact wheel150 – 250mm01
Small wheel holderClick here for source01 set
Small wheels0.25″ to 2″01+
Male handleM10 thread33
Female handleM10 thread12
Extension spring100mm long11
Class 10.9 boltM12 x 140mm01
Class 10.9 boltM12 x 120mm11
Class 10.9 boltM12 x 90mm13
Class 10.9 boltM12 x 75mm34
Class 10.9 boltM12 x 55mm22
Class 10.9 boltM12 x 50mm11
Class 10.9 boltM10 x 35mm01
Class 10.9 boltM10 x 30mm11
Class 10.9 boltM10 x 16mm44
Class 10.9 boltM8 x 65mm22
Class 10.9 boltM8 x 35mm46
Class 10.9 boltM8 x 30mm02
BoltM8 x 12mm11
EyeboltM6 x 30mm or more11
Coupling nutM1211
Thin nutM1226
Standard nutM1022
Flat washerM121321
Flat washerM1058
Flat washer M81014

Imperial (inch) shopping list

“Qty 1” is for the Gen 2 Tilting Belt Grinder, Platen Attachment, Table Holder, and Fixed Table. “Qty 2” is for all of the above plus the Small Wheel Attachment, Contact Wheel Attachment, and Adjustable Angle Table. For a more detailed shopping list with more info and some recommended sources, please see the plans.

Material / part nameSizeQty 1Qty 2
Steel flatbar6 x 0.375″36″50″
Steel flatbar2 x 0.375″108″123″
Steel flatbar1.5 x 0.375″100″105″
Steel flatbar1.5 x 0.125″30″30″
Steel flatbar0.75 x 0.1875″24″32″
Steel flatbar2.5 x 0.5″0″5.25″
Steel square bar1.5″26″50″
Steel square tube1.5″, 0.25″ wall20″29″
Steel square tube2″, 0.12″ wall33″33″
Steel DOM tube0.5″ ID, 1″ OD4.5″10″
Steel DOM tube0.375″ ID, 0.75″ OD3″3″
Steel pipe 3/4″ pipe (~0.82″ ID)4″4″
Threaded rod1/2″ thread15″15″
1.5 – 3hp motorNEMA frame 56,
56H, or 145T
VFDSized to match motor11
Power cord, plug, etc.Sized to match motor
Drive wheel5″ diameter11
Tracking wheel4″ diameter11
Platen wheel2″ diameter23
Contact wheel2″ diameter01
Contact wheel6 – 10″ diameter01
Small wheel holderClick here for source01 set
Small wheel0.25 – 2″01+
Male handles3/8″ thread33
Female handles3/8″ thread12
Extension spring4″ long11
Grade 8 bolt1/2 x 5.5″12
Grade 8 bolt1/2 x 4″01
Grade 8 bolt1/2 x 3.5″01
Grade 8 bolt1/2 x 3″34
Grade 8 bolt1/2 x 2.5″22
Grade 8 bolt1/2 x 2″11
Grade 8 bolt3/8 x 3″11
Grade 8 bolt3/8 x 1.5″01
Grade 8 bolt3/8 x 1.25″11
Grade 8 bolt3/8 x 0.75″44
Grade 8 bolt5/16 x 2.5″22
Grade 8 bolt5/16 x 1.5″02
Grade 8 bolt5/16 x 1.25″02
Grade 8 bolt5/16 x 1″44
Grade 8 bolt5/16 x 0.5″11
Eyebolt1/4 x 2″11
Coupling nut1/2″11
Thin nut1/2″26
Standard nut3/8″22
Flat washer1/2″, 1″ OD1321
Flat washer3/8″58
Flat washer5/16″1014

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