Simplified wedgie sled

I wanted a good way to cut segments for woodturning, and I was planning to make a wedgie sled, but as I was thinking about it I started to wonder why wedgie sleds have fences.  A setup-block is cut to the perfect angle, then that is used to set the fences, and then the fences are used to cut the segments.  It seems redundant, and by using the fences there is more risk of error from one of the fences being locked in the wrong location, or moving during use.  So I made a wedgie sled that does not have separate fences, rather, the setup block is bolted down and used as a fence.  To see how its made, watch the video below:

If you care to build one of these sleds yourself, I’ve made the Sketchup model available below.  The dimensions in this model are in metric.

Click this link to download the free Sketchup model:

Download: simplified wedgie

Note: The .zip file above contains a Sketchup (.skp) file, so you will need to un-zip and extract the .skp file before opening it.  You will need Sketchup in order to view this model.

Update: a lot of you have asked for the drawings I used to cut the wedgies on my CNC. So here they are, in SVG format (the .svg file is in the .zip file). I’ll add DXF format if I can ever figure out how!

Download:  wedgie

Woodworking. Metalworking. Making.