Belt grinder table holder (for gen 1 grinder)

In September 2017, I made a table holder for my Gen 1 Belt Grinder. It was designed to accept tables with a vertical post on the bottom, which made the tables indexable, but more importantly, it made them vertically adjustable. This is very important for when the grinder is horizontal, since you need to be able to move the table up and down to evenly wear the entire surface of the belt. By making the table mount on a vertical tube, you can slide it straight up and down without changing its angle or horizontal position. In addition, the vertical post design makes tables easy and cheap to make, so you can easily construct different tables for different applications, and easily replace damaged tables with little expense.

The problem was, I didn’t spend enough time designing it and testing it with different tables, and after using it for some time, I realized there were some significant design flaws. Namely, the little tube that accepted the table’s post was mounted too high, so if you put any sort of structure under the table, it would bottom out on the top of the tube. I also left a weak point in the design, which made me nervous that I might knock it out of alignment if I wasn’t careful. So, after spending a little more time with the CAD model to perfect it, I built a new and improved table holder to fix these issues. To see how I did that, check out the video below:

You can read my webpage and watch the video about the original, inferior table holder here. Plans for this table holder were included with the Gen 1 Belt Grinder plans, which are obsolete and no longer available on my website, but you can contact me if you need them for some reason. This table holder is not compatible with the Gen 2 Belt Grinder.

Woodworking. Metalworking. Making.