Belt grinder wheels

When I built my Gen 1 belt grinder, I had my brother machine the wheels from aluminum for me. This was impractical, because I could have just bought the wheels online for less than half the money. So I recommend that you simply buy the wheels for the belt grinder (I recommend this set), but some of my customers simply want the challenge of making the wheels themselves. So to help out, I’ve made a Sketchup model as well as a PDF with dimensions and info on how my custom wheels were made, and you can download them below. These wheels are suitable for both the Gen 1 and Gen 2 grinders.

Note: The .zip file above contains a Sketchup (.skp) file, so you will need to un-zip and extract the .skp file before opening it. You will need the latest version of Sketchup in order to view this model. The PDF file can be viewed right here in your browser, or downloaded.

Woodworking. Metalworking. Making.